Step 1: Click on the button below that best describes you
- New, First Time in College - you have a high school diploma or GED and want to attend college for the first time.
- Transfer from Another College - you are transferring to Northeast Texas from another college.
- Returning or Readmission - you previously attended Northeast Texas, but have not attended the past 2 semesters, please go to Returning Student Steps to Enroll page to get registered.
- Transient Student - you are a student at another college and would like to take a few classes at Northeast Texas.
- Dual Credit Student - you are seeking dual credit or college credit while concurrently enrolled in high school ONLY. For more information, please contact Jennifer Sumrow, Director of Dual Credit, at jsumrow@ntcc.edu.
If you have any questions, please email us at admissions@ntcc.edu.